Our team helps determine how best to achieve objectives when traditional media coverage is called for. We work closely with our colleagues to develop and disseminate press releases to targeted media audiences. We also are the primary point of contact for news media seeking information.


Media Contacts

Melissa Tindell – Director, Communications
(President, Board of Trustees, General Counsel, Government Relations and Advocacy, Public Records)
Phone: 865-974-0741
Email: mtindell@tennessee.edu

Robert Reburn – Assistant Director of Communications
(Finance and Administration, Human Resources)
Phone: 865-974-4211
Email: rreburn@tennessee.edu


The UT System News website is the official news presence for the University of Tennessee system, and all media releases are archived there.

The UTSystemNews Twitter account features the latest stories from system, campus/institute and external media outlets. The UT System also has official Facebook and Instagram accounts.